It is important to provide enough information about your Community to ensure like-minded professionals from your industry be a part of the community. Here’s what does the Community Info mean:
Click on Community tab from your TacitKey Account or search for communities related to your interest or industry.
You will see a list of communities on TacitKey.
Choose a particular Community name you want to know more about.
Now, you are in the particular Community you chose. To access the Community info, click on the INFO to know more about the Community.
Title of the Community - this is the name of the Community.
Community description: This is a brief introduction to the Community and the objective of the Community. Some owners also mention who should be a part of this community and what are the benefits of joining this community.
No. Of Members: This gives information on how many people are part of this community.
Interests: The interests will help people understand the interests and sub-interests of the users before joining the community.
To be a part of this community, one can click on “JOIN” and the community owner will be notified of the join request.
If you are already a member of the community, you can choose to pay for membership and choose a plan that suits your requirement.
You can choose to report the group if you feel the group owner is violating any policies, or you can also choose to leave the group anytime.