Discussion describes all the interactions between the TacitKey users. Creating a healthy dialogue between the users facilitate collaborations and partnerships, which helps accelerate innovation.
Discussion can be a one-way communication that is used to deliver information to the readers, or a bi-directional communication between the audience and the contributor that is used for collective benefit, as observed in TacitWorks, Community or Events.
- In TacitWorks, you can use the discussion to clarify your doubts or comment your feedback regarding the posted work. This will accelerate the process of knowledge sharing and also motivate others to share more of their knowledge as TacitWorks.
- In TacitKey Community, initiating a discussion can facilitate collaborations and networking on a global scale.
- In Events, you can use the discussion to clarify your doubts regarding the events with the event organizers. You can also engage with the event speakers directly and increasing your networking opportunities.
Kick off discussions on TacitKey and engage productively with your peers!
To start discussions:
- Click the specific TacitWorks, Community or Events, in which you want to start a discussion.
- Click "Engagement", which will open up a page where you can see the feed.
- Then click "Discussion", which will open up a page where you can post your comments.
At the bottom of the page, you can type your comment and click the post icon.
Note: You can initiate discussions in all the TacitWorks. However, in Community and Events, the Engagement is an add-on feature and has to be activated for you to be able to comment.