We apologize that you are having a bad experience on TacitKey, and we would like to help. If you feel that any of the posts on our platform do not meet TacitKey's Privacy policy or Terms and Conditions, please report to us immediately using the report link (), which is on the top right-hand side of all the posts.
Your comments will be treated completely confidential, i.e., your name will not be revealed to the person whose content you are flagging as inappropriate. Clicking on the Report link will generate a default email, where you can list out the reasons as to why you find the post to be inappropriate. This email will be automatically sent to support@tacitkey.com.
Our administrators will carefully review, investigate your report and appropriate action will be taken within 48 hours. This may include taking down the inappropriate content or banning the user against whom the complaint was raised (depending on the severity of the offense).
Please note that we encourage you to contact law enforcement if you are ever threatened, bullied or harassed by anyone on the platform. However, we strive to ensure that we provide a professional and engaging space for knowledge exchange for everyone.