• Once you post your TacitWorks, it directly goes to the TacitKey moderation team, who check if your TacitWorks aligns with TacitKey's Content Policy as well as Terms and Conditions.
  • It usually takes about 36-48 hours for the moderator team to notify you the status of your TacitWorks
  • While waiting for approval, your TacitWorks will remain in "Pending Status"
  • When a TacitWorks is in pending status, only the TacitWoks contributor and the moderation team can see it. 
  • After the moderation process, TacitWorkscontributor gets the notification whether it approved or rejected.
  • If your TacitWorks is approved by the moderation team, it becomes visible to anyone who had chosen the same interest category as the TacitWorks.
  • If your TacitWorks is rejected, it will be visible only to you and the rejected reason will available in your TacitWorks dashboard.